Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Adjective: Feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful

This is how I have felt the past few weeks. I am grateful for the wonderful friends and family I have. Grateful for the support you've shown me, and thankful that I have been able to make it through such a hectic time!

I apologize for not coming to this space more often, and thank you for your patience with me. I've been busy starting and stopping culinary school again (long story), buying property and catering parties. Don't get me wrong- I'm not complaining. Its just been busy.

In lieu of a recipe, I hope you'll get some humour out of this photo:

I catered my cousin's baby shower on Sunday and couldn't help but laugh when I saw this cute baby couple together. It just goes to show you, you can't force two people together.

Tomorrow I'm off to an event with Anthony Bourdain. Yes, you read that right Anthony Bourdain! I couldn't be more excited. Thank you to my very dear friend Eduarda- you are the greatest.

Look for pictures of the event, recipes and more to follow in the coming weeks- I promise!